
the happy family.

Halloween was very very mucho dinero fun.. And this is our little family. we did not have coordinating costumes obviously but maybe I am old-fashioned Batman's girlfriend?? and to correct Tav, I was a 1920's flapper girl. The only kind of Flapper there is.. Last year, we were actually coordinating... So I'll have to post those pics. We were black cats. and we were on the prowl all night.. halloweening the night away.. I am excited for next year. and tomorrow and thanksgiving and christmas valentines etc etc... love, me+ai= amie


Tav and Aims said...

you are amazing! That is super good aims.. you photoshopping skills exceed that of my own.. I must admit.

Jake and Diana Rothfels said...

Amie!!! Thanks for saying hello!! You and tav are so cute. I'm so happy for you guys!!