
6 weeks, 2 days

UNTIL WE WILL BE MARRIED!!!! Woohoo! I am so extremely excited! Tav is an amazing guy and I am too too lucky. we're lucky. I never thought that I would find someone who I was so completely satisfied and happy with. It is an amazing thing.. 

side note: this blog is just for me to post pictures and journal stuff. for myself. i am sick of the other blog that everyone alive can see... :) 

Anyway, our pictures were taken on Monday we went up to a disclosed location where there is an old abandoned hotel right by the railroad... we dressed up like a couple of old fashioneds.. They turned out beautifully. Steve Holm is an amazing photographer. And the funny thing is, the next day I went to Sand Hollow so these "guys" could get a good shot of a girl wakeboarding for Sand Hollow Resort and guess who the photographer was? Yep... Steve... He's great. Jamie & Huddy are great too! They make a good team. 

Me & Tav put an offer on a house and after the second offer... he accepted! So we're getting a house!! YEEEHAW! Everything just comes together as it is meant to. I was meant to meet tav, to be friends with him, and to marry him, and we were meant to buy this cute little condo/home with our little dog bubba. I am very blessed. And I don't know what I did to deserve it. I love my husband (to be), I love my job (except when it's boring like right now), I love my family and Tav's family, I love the gospel, and I love saint george. 

Life is a wonderful adventure!

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